
Target Mono

Develop with Visual Studio, and compile against the Mono Framework. You can decide, with MSBuild or also with XBuild – and everything fully integrated into the IDE.

Target and debug what you want

Debug local, or debug remote on any device which is supporting Mono.

Use full power of Visual Studio

Use the full power as usual of Microsoft Visual Studio. Use your loved extension, and gain the performance during development with Microsoft Visual Studio if you have to target Mono.

Seamless Integration

Download MDebug, install it, lets code! Create Mono Projects within Microsoft Visual Studio or convert your existing projects and start immediantly to debug your application.

Target and debug what you want

Debug local, or debug remote on any device which is supporting Mono.

Configure what you want,...

You want to debug local? remote?,.. or you want to attach a running process? No problem!

MDebug Features

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